Needed: Voodoo Philanthropists

This ad for a band to play a wedding ("No pay") is not at all safe for work, nor does it feature appropriate or respectful language. I'm posting it anyway because I think it will amuse Tex.

Partial excerpt:
Terrible band needed for sham of a wedding. No pay...

[M]y Shylock of a half-brother and his parsimonious fiance have passed off to me the job of finding a band for their wedding. Since they think music is spontaneously generated via voodoo magic by assemblies of self-promoting philanthropists... [if] you and your unemployable band of pothead hobbyists....
You get what you pay for, I hear.


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Good thing I finished my coffee a few minutes ago.


  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Sounds like she wants my brother's old garage band. No offense to my brother, but when your drummer has no rhythm and three of your four instruments won't stay in tune, I think you qualify to play free at wedding receptions.


  3. I liked the groom's "unique brand of expectant coercion."

    An interesting tidbit: without thinking about it, I assumed the poster was a guy, maybe because the language was salty and aggressive. My husband assumed it was a woman, because "Why would a guy volunteer to do anything at a wedding?" followed by "Who would trust a guy to do anything at a wedding?"

  4. "Who would trust a guy to do anything at a wedding?"

    Since the answer in this case is manifestly "Thoughtless fools," I'm going to side with you on the sex of the perpetrator. :)
