
As Ace observed, many of us already held Lois Lerner in contempt without a formal vote.  This afternoon's House vote was not entirely along party lines, but close:
Six Democrats broke with their party to support the contempt vote:  Ron Barber of Arizona, John Barrow of Georgia, Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Mike McIntyre of North Carolina, Nick Rahall of West Virginia, and Patrick Murphy of Florida.  All are facing Republican challengers in tough districts for Democrats in November.


  1. Great. So the next question is, does it mean anything to be in contempt of Congress? (Does it, Mr. Holder?)

  2. I doubt it, but I'm glad to see Dems in red states becoming thoughtful about these things.

  3. Ymar Sakar9:45 AM

    They have to be considered human to be held in contempt.

    Ants burning up, dogs running down streets and killing cats, that's so far beneath the standards of human society that "contempt" isn't really a word for it.
