Signs of Capital Times

I've been in the bleak north for a good part of a week, and made the return crossing of the Mason-Dixon line last night. I will be in the DC area for a few days, if any of you who dwell in those regions are interested.


  1. DL Sly1:07 PM

    You really should stop by and see Cass. Nothing is more fun than teasing an temporary invalid in person.

  2. No, I'm at her service.

  3. I would love to meet Grim - my mobility's a bit limited at present, though. I did drive home from my doctor's appt in Hagerstown this morning, though!

    That felt really good :)

  4. I'm in the DC area (Potomac, west of town) and could probably make a get-together.

    Cass, would Frederick be too far for you?

  5. Perhaps the best thing would be for Cass to pick the place. A good time for me would be tomorrow, though other times are also possible. (Perhaps Saturday, for example.)

  6. Frederick is very easy for me. Meeting during the week is tough due to work and physical therapy. Saturday, I have a baby shower in DC in the afternoon but could possibly do something around lunchtime (or even earlier) if that would work for everyone else. I just need to be back home by 1 pm so I can meet up with the spousal unit to drive to DC.

    I will totally understand if you guys decide to meet some other time - just wanted to throw that out :)

  7. Alternatively, Cass, if you have a Sat baby shower in DC, maybe we could do something there afterwards.

  8. DC is better for me anyway. I'm staying by the National Archives.

  9. I'm probably not up to driving in to DC after the baby shower. It doesn't start until 3 and I expect it will last at least 2 hours (so, including the drive both ways, at least 4 hours of being out-and-about).

    According to the doctors, I'm doing really well considering my operation was 1 week ago, but just going to the doctor's this morning totally wiped me out. Plus, my husband would have to stick around for at least 2 more hours. I don't think I'm up to driving in separately yet - I'm really not supposed to be driving at all for at least another week.

    I vote the two of you get together and raise a cold beer in my general direction :) The spirit is willing, but the flesh ain't really up to the task yet.

  10. I thought DC would be easier for you, though. I could come to Maryland, too. That's fine.

    If we decide to do something in DC, there's a bar near here called "Hill Country" that isn't too bad.
