"Coincidental and unfortunate timing"

The Census Bureau announces that, by sheer coincidence, its household survey questions about health insurance status will be so radically changed this year that it won't be possible to determine how much of the change in status resulted from Obamacare and how much from the new form of question. Sorry about that, guys! I guess they figure they can continue to squeak out votes of over 50% of the population without relying on anyone with a brain.


  1. Danton would be proud.

  2. DL Sly4:36 PM

    Why are we having anything to do with the Census Bureau? It's 2014 not 2020.
    Oh, that's right, election year.
    *shakes head*

  3. raven9:02 PM

    IIRC, one of the first acts of our new King was to place the Census Bureau under direct control of the White House.
