Friday Night AMV

Ain't no rest for the wicked. Another appropriation(?) of old film noir style.


  1. Den Beste wrote a piece about this series years ago, in which he analyzed it first as an American would, and then as he thought it should be interpreted as a series of Japanese origin. It was an interesting exercise.

  2. Eric Blair11:16 PM

    Read either way, its worth watching.

    Den Beste has some tastes in anime, that, having read his blog chizumatic, creeps me out in that way I get creeped out by the old homeless guy eyeing the high school girls in Suburban Station.

  3. I haven't read much more than that one essay of his Anime stuff. Years ago, I used to read him on science and engineering matters. Those two tastes are not incompatible (though they are also not necessarily related).
