Fear and Awe

Perhaps it's no surprising that I gave a minute to this 'test,' because is built strictly around mythology.
What Kind Of Mythical Creature Are You?

You got: Dragon

You inspire fear and awe, and you’re fiercely protective of the people and possessions you cherish. You’re a creature of comfort, you enjoy living luxuriously, but you’re by no means lazy. If provoked, you’re a fearsome enemy, but you’re not easily angered. You enjoy time to yourself, but you also require intellectual stimulation, because behind all that raw power, you’re also sharp as a tack.


  1. Phoenix for me.

    You fiery inferno of awesome. You’re associated with hope, immortality, and regeneration. You’re essentially immortal, so you’re an old soul, and a pro at deflecting drama without causing more conflict. You prefer observation to action, and you’re an excellent judge of character. You’re quiet by nature, but when it comes to a fight, you’re a fierce adversary.

    Not sure I buy all of that, though....

    Eric Hines

  2. Elf. Also, for what it's worth: Xena, Kant, and Medieval Europe.

  3. How embarrassing. Unicorn.

  4. "fiery inferno of awesome"

    I love that.

  5. It's hard for me to imagine how Xena fits in with either Kant or Medieval Europe. :) Actually, she didn't even fit in Ancient Greece -- the character's real heritage is from the Beijing Opera, as translated by Hong Kong cinema.

  6. Once you start taking those tests and following links to similar tests, you can go on all day. But don't expect consistency in the results! Especially if the tests require you to make choices among, say, favorite Desperate Housewives or hashtag links.
