Bittersweet moments in history

According to the NBC Olympics sports anchors, the fall of the U.S.S.R. was one.  A little girl lets go of her shiny red balloon.

It brings to mind the foreboding with which Tories witnessed the severing of a promising young colony's ties with the British monarchy.  The sad moment when America watched Abraham Lincoln, with the stroke of a pen, consign their old friend slavery to its unquiet grave.  The heartbreaking disillusionment that led Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun to commit suicide in their bunker.  The wistful sighs when Nelson Mandela left his prison cell after decades of confinement.

The glorious experiment in human fulfillment that was the Soviet Union:  a civilization that is gone with the wind.   Where is the totalitarian collectivism of yesteryear?  Big Red Bear, we hardly knew ye.


  1. It brings to mind the foreboding with which Tories witnessed the severing of a promising young colony's ties with the British monarchy. The sad moment when America watched Abraham Lincoln, with the stroke of a pen, consign their old friend slavery to its unquiet grave. The heartbreaking disillusionment that led Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun to commit suicide in their bunker. The wistful sighs when Nelson Mandela left his prison cell after decades of confinement.

    I loved this :) Thanks for the laugh!

  2. William2:12 AM

    neunundneunzig Luftballons?

    William sends.

  3. *applause*

  4. Eric Blair10:47 PM

    *golf clap*
