Tough Sell

My sister did once talk me into doing "the Warrior Dash" with her. It was kind of fun, because you couldn't possibly take it seriously. (She chided me that we were never going to get a good time, because I kept stopping to help people over the obstacles if they were having trouble. But really, courtesy aside, that's what you should do: if it's meant to be a quasi-military event, the military moves as a unit. Helping your brothers and sisters over the obstacles means the unit gets there faster, and can bring its power to bear as designed. It just happens this particular unit is especially flabby.)

I also like the beard. I don't have the long hair, but my beard is pretty thick this winter.


  1. I've run that. Loved it. Doing the Super Spartan and the Spartan Beast this year.

  2. Yeah, I enjoyed it (even though we didn't get the free beer that was promised, because it was Sunday morning in Georgia).

    Terminal Lance is by the USMC's version of the E4 mafia, though: embittered guys who realized that they'd never make NCO. Still, they have a good point some of the time.
