American Wins Syria

Winning by not losing may be an even better strategy if you are not fighting, suggests the National Interest.
The U.S. is right to seek a quick settlement to the civil war in Syria. The humanitarian costs alone compel America to push for reconciliation between the warring sides. Nonetheless, the legitimate desire to end the conflict does not diminish the reality that the U.S. is winning in Syria. From a purely strategic standpoint, no country has benefitted more from the horrible tragedy in Syria than the United States.
There's a lot of hemming and hawing at the opening and closing of the article about how 'of course' none of this justifies allowing the war to continue in a prolonged, grinding way. The humanitarian concerns alone justify ending it as soon as possible.

Just, you know, noting the fact that it's really worked out great that these guys have been killing each other for years now.


  1. Is the war in Syria essentially red on red? Are a lot of civilians being killed? Actual civilians, not just partisans who someone wants to call civilians to make the numbers fit their agenda?

  2. Yes, lots -- although it can be hard in this kind of war to tell exactly how many are 'pure' civilians. Still, the numbers suggest it's plenty.

    Also there is damage being done to a number of historical places; and a number of similar humanitarian concerns (destruction of access to medical care for many, food, clean water, etc).

    Still, if you were Machiavelli...
