Happy Birthday, Marines

Just in time, a story about the Corps that is after my own heart.
The MWTC near Bridgeport, Calif., has begun teaching an advanced horsemanship training course in order to teach Special Operations Forces (SOF) personnel the necessary skills to enable them to ride horses, load pack animals, and maintain animals for military applications in remote and dangerous environments.
The need for men like this never really goes away, though our pride in technology sometimes makes us think we need it -- we will need them -- no more.


  1. Happy Birthday, Grim :)

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    I happened to drop in and am very pleased to be greeted by a classic Grim post. Marines, Horses and Chivalry. Ah, what could be better.

    My pal Paul, Marine Sniper and horseman extraordinaire, is at the AQHA World Show this week. He's got that courage and touch combo in spades.

    Thanks for the post. Best of luck to all you Devil Dogs. If you're ever visiting the Mountain Training facility near Bridgeport drop me a line. I make regular trips through there. I'll buy the beer at Rhino's.

  3. That's excellent. I have read through FM 3-05.213. Special Forces Use of Pack Animals which to this neophyte, is pretty good.

    Happy Birthday to the Corps.

    Anonymous- thanks for the tip to Rhino's- looks like a place I'll have to check out- I'm up in the Mammoth area often (was just deer hunting up there six weeks ago), but don't usually get anywhere up past Lee Vining. For Rhino's, I might make the drive up next time I'm in the neighborhood.

  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Tip one for me (RCL) Doug. Good food, lots of beers on tap and I've always struck up a good conversation.
