. . . no, of course not

Snopes is all sniffy about the silly story that's circulating claiming that the National Park Service is blocking views of Mt. Rushmore with tarps.

Obviously this picture is photoshopped, you mouth-breathing troglodytes, it explains.  Bad people clearly ginned the story up to create outrage.  Next they'll be saying that NPS personnel put up traffic cones on October 1 to block people from pulling over on the viewing spots on the side of the nearby highways:

OK, admittedly, according to Snopes, that one's sort of true.
The National Park Service placed cones along highway viewing areas outside Mount Rushmore, barring visitors from pulling over and taking pictures of the famed monument. 
The cones first went up Oct. 1, said Dusty Johnson [South Dakota] Gov. Dennis Daugaard's chief of staff.  The state asked that they be taken down, and federal officials did so with some of them.  The state was told the cones were a safety precaution to help channel cars into viewing areas rather than to bar their entrance. 
"I think reasonable people can disagree about that," Johnson said. 
The cones were down again [three days later] as a blizzard hit the Black Hills and plows needed access to the roads, Johnson said.  He said the state would be monitoring to see whether the cones are put back along viewing areas.  "Once the snow's off the ground, we're going to be keeping an eye on how the cones go up," Johnson said.


  1. They're rushing around closing all these privately funded attractions on federal land, and yet inexplicably, the golf course at Andrews remains open :p

  2. Yeah, but it's privately operated, so that's . . . wait.

    I'm happy about the nonsense with the traffic cones. It doesn't hurt anyone, not really, and it's causing the mask to slip a bit.

    This week's "Sunny" broadcast is very good.

  3. Scott Walker is on the right track.

    Eric Hines

  4. Yanno, I was talking to my youngest boy a few weeks ago about 2016 GOP candidates and I said told him that Scott Walker would be the one I'd like to see throw his hat into the ring.

    What do you all think?

  5. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Governor. Balanced budget. Not a Democrat.

    Good for me.


    PS. I am a Liberal with a long history of voting almost exclusively for Democratic candidates until the party at the national level got all Jimmy Carter-type weird again. I voted for Carter. Once was enough.

  6. DL Sly4:07 PM

    The golf courses are open.
    The commissaries are closed.

    Yet, Xerxes, Lord of the Lies, inhabitant of the Spite House, says he *supports* his military. If *support* like that were a jock, Ted Cruz's balls would dig a trench behind him when he walked.

    As for Scott Walker throwing his hat in the 2016 ring, I'm all for it. Have been ever since the Fleebag debacle and am more so now since he basically "rubbed his middle finger alongside his nose" in the Spite House's general direction and told them he will not be closing any parks in Wisconsin.

  7. And these petty, spiteful little jerks want to control our healthcare.

  8. DL Sly12:47 PM

    Actually, the ultimate goal is control over your end-of-life care.
    Think about that....

  9. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I saw the "cones-on-road" story in the Sioux Falls newspaper, and apparently the South Dakota tourism people were right steamed about the conage. They also seem like a traffic hazard, especially on wet, mountain roads.

    As many people as are thumbing their noses at the cones, you wonder what other regulations people will start dismissing, ignoring, and deliberately violating because they take them to be petty and pointless.


  10. DL Sly5:22 PM

    Speaking of petty regulations...
    Here in Montana it has been illegal to "harvest" roadkill. Years ago the state police would take fresh kill to the local food banks, but apparently during my absence that was deemed forbotten. However, as of Oct. 1, a new law went into effect giving everyone the ability to "harvest" roadkill for personal use. But, (and this is a big butt) we can't actually do so right now because the regulations for the law haven't been fully developed and approved yet. Furthermore, those regs aren't expected to be written and approved until sometime in mid-late November.
    Soooo, they passed a law, but forgot to put in the specifics for how it's to be implemented. And legistlators wonder why the people are a little peeved with them.

  11. This seems an unfair criticism. You can't just harvest roadkill willy-nilly. What about waiting for the inspector to come out to the site? To whom will you show your certification of completion of roadkill food preparation techniques? Besides which, if it's a federal highway, roadkill harvesting is shut down for the time being in any case.

    It will take some time to iron our these wrinkles.

  12. DL Sly7:35 PM


  13. [I]f it's a federal highway, roadkill harvesting is shut down for the time being in any case.

    Nah. This xkill you see me harvesting on the other side of the ditch from the federal highway, while it was hit by the truck in front of me, was hit so hard it was knocked clear over here. Where it died on impact with the ground here, and not from the truck's impact.

    No federal roadkill shutdown impact at all.

    It's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

    Eric Hines

  14. "Sir, you are roadkilling."

  15. Yew betcha.

    With some mustard, it reminds me of wild hickory nuts. Join me in some?

    Eric Hines
