It's here

Every so often in the history of cinema, a film comes along that probes man's inhumanity to man and muses on the enigmatic silence of God throughout human history.   Such a film eschews easy answers while engaging the audience in sensitive portrayals of ordinary heroes.  Sharknado is that film.  And the trailers are here at last.

It took "Snakes on a Plane" four words to sum up the dramatic premise that Sharknado achieves in one:  live sharks raining down on people.  Cinemaphiles have to reach back to "Mant" ("Half man, half ant:  all terror") for disciplined minimalism on this level.


  1. ...

    No, I still have nothing.

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I may rent it, along with Battleship, just to see if they reach the lows of "Killer Tomatoes" or Santa Clause vs. the Martians.


  3. My neighbors tuned in for a few minutes, but it was too much even for their finely honed sense of the ridiculous. I think psychoactive drugs might be required for full enjoyment.

  4. "Mansquito" is still the finest of the genre, if you ask me.

    Not that anyone did :p
