I have a ban proposal, too

There's got to be a way to ban this kind of idiocy.  I think it involves the ballot box.
The DOE held a public meeting on Energy Conservation Standards Framework for Ceiling Fans and Ceiling Fan Light Kits in Washington D.C. on March 22, 2013, which followed its release of a 100-page Framework Document requesting feedback from members of the ceiling fan industry.  The Framework Document indicates that the DOE could impose a requirement for all ceiling fans to transition from AC motors to DC motors. . . . Although DC motors are more energy efficient and use less wattage on high settings, the cost is four to five times higher compared to AC motors. However, since most people do not run their ceiling fans on a high setting the majority of the time—using either medium or low settings instead—the difference in wattage is insignificant.
Interested readers may recall the War of the Currents between Thomas Edison, a DC enthusiast, and George Westinghouse, who favored AC.


  1. DL Sly1:34 PM

    Sooo,....they want us to use battery powered ceiling fans? Ummm, in the line of unintended consequences, what, pray tell, do they plan on us doing with all the used batteries -- because the environuts just *love* having those Gaia- killing batteries slowly decomposing in our landfills, so let's just add more.
    Stupid really is as government does, isn't it?

  2. They're missing a golden opportunity--here's a truly shovel--I mean fan--ready set of jobs. And with no environmental impact at all.

    The Feds need to mandate that we all hire folks to wave fans in our face. For a small, DC-esque remuneration: $12.50 the hour for non-union fanners, $8.50 for union-label fanners.

    Eric Hines

  3. If the current political climate had existed back in those days, Edison would have succeeded with his sleazy campaign to scare people away from AC, and probably would have gotten it banned.
