The Brilliant & Colorful Ages


  1. raven9:20 PM

    Thanks, Grim. I enjoyed that!

  2. Ymar Sakar11:15 AM

    I call that period the Dark Age because they had lost almost all of the Ancient Roman technology and culture. Whether this was due to barbarians or Muslim conquests (such as burning libraries like the one in Alexandria), is a side point. Somebody destroyed all that stuff. If they didn't, the Europeans wouldn't have spent so many man hours reproducing ancient Greek tomes of knowledge.

    Darkness is contrasted with light. The greater the light, the greater the darkness.

    The Europeans at the time, former barbarians under Roman law or rebels against Roman law, respected the Ancients. They felt in their hearts just how far they had fallen, how much they had lost. They desired to get it back.

    I cannot quite say the same thing for the US in modern times. Whether people even desire to get back what was lost.

    Certainly in that sense, the Medieval Ages were dark ones compared to the light of Rome. And the modern world in which the United States of America resides, is often times a much darker one than Europe's own Dark Ages.
