Memorial Day

My brothers at BLACKFIVE have many excellent posts to commemorate the holiday. Keep scrolling.

To many of you as to me, it is an important day. All the best to you.

Take this, in memory of one of the ones honored today: the poet Joyce Kilmer, killed in the first World War while he was acting as a scout for the American Expeditionary Force. It is about one of those whom he thought worthy of defense.
As Winds That Blow Against A Star

(For Aline)

Now by what whim of wanton chance
Do radiant eyes know sombre days?
And feet that shod in light should dance
Walk weary and laborious ways?

But rays from Heaven, white and whole,
May penetrate the gloom of earth;
And tears but nourish, in your soul,
The glory of celestial mirth.

The darts of toil and sorrow, sent
Against your peaceful beauty, are
As foolish and as impotent
As winds that blow against a star.


  1. DL Sly11:44 AM

    A blessed Memorial Day to you and yours, Grim.
    And to those of the Hall as well.
    May your hearts be lifted by the memories of those who gave all that we may live free.

  2. raven1:09 PM

    In remembrance.

    Paul Webster Freehan
    USS Juneau
    13 November, 1942.
