Tax relief

No comparison of Perry's brains to those of Ted Cruz should be taken as a criticism.  Perry stumbles now and then, and he may not be the world's most articulate spokesman of conservative principles under fire, but his instincts are often right on target.  One of his newest initiatives is a website to collect comments on the best way to refund $1.8 billion dollars of what is now a $12 billion Texas state budget surplus.  (The rest will remain in the state's rainy-day fund.)


  1. As a Texan (and proud of it!) I'd like the money used to finish off the Superconducting Super Collider. It's not enough most likely, even with improvements in the technology since 1993, but it would be a start, and would help create more jobs while strengthening the state's Big Science credentials.

    Of course that's only if we've already paid off all our debts and fully funded our state pension programs. I don't know if we've done either.

  2. The real brilliance of Perry in doing this is that it's such a stark contrast to most of the rest of the country, and should make people reconsider why they voted to have a Democrat lead us 'Forward!' into the abyss for another four years.

  3. Really, Douglas, aren't you worried California will revoke your citizenship before you're ready to emigrate?

  4. They don't know the meaning of the word.
