Sticker shock

As my husband noted in forwarding this link to me, the first step in controlling costs is finding out what they are.  Employees of large companies are just now receiving their first W-2's revealing the cost of the health-benefit portion of their compensation.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Heh. I started seeing it last year, when I could no longer opt out of certain coverage and got an extra $1000/year added to the tab for my bare-bones "run-over-by-bus" plan. I dread this year's increases.


  2. I've got one of those run-over-by-a-bus plans, but I pay cash for it. More than $1,000/year, I'm afraid!

  3. Yeah, it was larger than even I thought, and I've been alerting my coworkers to watch for the number for the last year.

  4. This part caught my attention:
    "The law calls for the report to have been included in W-2s last year, but Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius declared employers would have a one-year reprieve."

    Yes, never mind the law, grant a 'reprieve' by fiat, and please, hold it till after the election...

    How convenient.
