The spirit of invention

These ideas don't have the grand potential of the micro-solar panel I wrote about over the weekend, but I think many of them are modestly brilliant, especially the the trainer wheels on the spike heels.  Stylish and practical!

This one is practical, too:


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Hmmmm. What if one party rolls the toothpaste tube and the other just flattens? I foresee all sorts of domestic disputes with that gadget. :)


  2. Why not just wear roller skates? :)

  3. My dentist maintains a stack of little plastic cards, about the size of a credit card that has a slit along one of its long sides, on his receptionists/cashiers desk to give to his patients.

    The proper use of this spiffy little card allows you to, as the paste is consumed, slide/pull the flattened side of the toothpaste tube through the slit. This taking up of the slack makes a minimal squeeze of the tube as efficient as when the tube was brand-spanking-new full, no matter the percentage of usable paste left in said tube.

    The wonders of applied technology, not to mention the ability of adult women to walk/stand in high heels, never fails to amaze me.

  4. The "Baby Mop" is totally pointless, of course. Somebody not familiar with the "urp" factor designed this.

    The staircase drawers scare me. People always leave drawers ajar...

    If the hamster wheel powers the shredder, I vote "cool."

  5. James, perhaps you'd prefer the traditional Japanese version of stair step storage or Kaidan Dansu- they open to the side instead of the stair riser opening. They also have an interesting story involving restrictions on private property and finding workarounds to the restrictions in a creative way.

    That said, I'm pretty sure any sane person making riser drawers would use self-closing drawer hardware.

    I've never had the problem of stolen lunches, but the sandwich bags with fake mold spots seemed a pretty creative solution.

  6. Interesting. The unexpected side effects of sumptuary laws...

  7. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I suggested the baby mop to my sibling for the newest Red. Sibling and spouse seemed unenthusiastic. They expressed concern about the mop getting clogged with cat hair, leaving Jr stranded or rocking in mid-air, or something . . .

