Experts Wonder: Can We Make Cars Hacker-Proof?

Apparently this is a hard question. Let me provide an answer. If we're talking about 'hackers' in the computer-centric sense, as the article seems to be, yes, you can. Here are several examples of cars completely immune to computer hackers:

Ford Mustang, 1968

Dodge Charger R/T, 1970

Hot Rod Lincoln

By virtue of which, see here and here, and also below:

You know what else is hacker-proof? My motorcycles. Not a computer on the things anywhere.

So yeah, it can be done. The results look pretty good from where I sit.


  1. From my vantage point in the bowels of the CarBiz...

    I agree.

    Those examples are the epitome of automobiles that are secure from hacking by computer.

    Not that it is impossible for a skilled person to open a locked example (without a key), or get one to start (also without a key).

  2. That's right. If you read 'hacker' more broadly, well, there's no getting around them. But, you know, you do what you can do.

  3. MikeD9:02 AM

    As one of my Drill Sgts at Basic told me, "A lock isn't there to keep a thief out. He'll go right through that lock without slowing down. It's there to keep an honest person from becoming a thief."

  4. I'm still hanging on to this one, it suits me, and this one, the economy car at the hovel.

    I am getting the itch to get another pickup and maybe another project car, maybe something large, with a drop top, from the 1950's. Yup, something for cruising after the apocalypse. Just in case I ever do catch the tail end of that honey-do list.

  5. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Hmmm, perhaps the penalty for hacking automotive computers should be 1) driving a Pinto for two years in D/FW metroplex or 2) being required to drive the Interstates in Denver in a Yugo with bad head gaskets. The hacker will either reform his or her ways, become a devout member of a religion ("dear Lord, please may I not turn into a hood ornament"), or will cease to consume oxygen.

    Why yes, I did have to drive on I-25 in Denver in an underpowered rental car one afternoon. How can you tell?

