The Kangaroo Stalks at Midnight

Apparently some of those marsupials can have malice aforethought....
A hostile kangaroo launched a savage assault on a mother after spending two days stalking her - then attacked her husband as she recovered in hospital.
Now that's an interesting concept, being stalked by a kangaroo.  Have they finally gotten rid of all the rifles in Australia, then?


  1. "Now that's an interesting concept, being stalked by a kangaroo. Have they finally gotten rid of all the rifles in Australia, then?"

    As most recall, the Aussie government's 1996 efforts intended just such an end. Have they succeeded? Beats me. I do seem to recall the disarmer's excuse engine went into overdrive after a decade of data gathering on assaults and homicides in Oz did not decline as promised.

    As to the concept... When/where has there ever been a better segue to this tune?

  2. Er, make that the data gathering on assaults and homicides in Oz did not show a decline in the crime rates as promised...

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The folks down under have assured me that there are still plenty of rifes and handguns. A nice little black market.
