How the Catholic Bishops Should Fight

This woman has an excellent grasp of the strategic situation.
Withdrawing health insurance (like Franciscan University at Steubenville, Ohio), shutting down schools, closing adoption agencies, soup kitchens or ANYTHING ELSE in "protest" of ObamaCare and the HHS "mandates" is EXACTLY, PRECISELY, TOTALLY and COMPLETELY what the Obama regime wants.... 
Listen, you fools. YOU DON'T SHUT ANYTHING DOWN. You keep going exactly as you have been, and you force those dirty rotten SOBs to literally storm your hospitals and shut YOU down at gunpoint. And I'm not kidding. Make them physically shut down your hospital by dragging you out at gunpoint. Make them physically shut down your schools. Make them shut down your university by force because you won't cover abortions in your student health plan. Make them physically shut down your soup kitchens. Make them shut down your adoption agencies[.]
My sense is that the response to shutting down Catholic hospitals, etc., will be for the government to sigh pitiably and say, "Well, that just goes to show why something as important as hospitals/schools/adoption services can only be entrusted to the government."  That's what they wanted anyway:  government to have unquestioned and unlimited authority over this sphere of life.

On the other hand, defiance of the law -- justified because it is a gross violation of the principle of religious freedom, and remains so regardless of the decision of the courts -- forces the government to shut you down.  Let the people see armed Federal agents shutting down hospices and nunneries and orphanages.  Let the people see that the principle of free birth control and abortion is worth that much to the government.


  1. Maybe the Bishops decided that they will attempt to hold on to as much of the civilized place they built, hospitals/schools/adoption services, as they can until sanity returns to the U.S. electorate and the system is purged of the current herd of megalomaniac Federalis.

    *the old hun wonders how many DHS watch words he just stuffed into that comment?*

  2. No need for guns at the hospital. They'll just declare the hospitals to be non-compliant with (whatever; just fabricate something serious) and forbid companies from selling them drugs or medical equipment.

  3. DL Sly11:43 PM

    This woman has a great point/idea but she has overlooked one *minor* one in the MSM is going to cover such actions, so it will become the proverbial "tree in a forest" scenario -- if nobody reports it, did it really happen?

  4. She's right, and it's too big to not get reported- how many people would have cell phone footage posted instantly to the internet? How many of us would be willing to go and be dragged off too? How many Bishops would be on T.V. talking about this, or even be at the front of these institutions being first to be hauled off? I think these all likely if it gets to that. The Church can get pretty far astray of it's intended course sometimes, but when the chips are down and things really start happening, you can count on the fact that many in the church will step up and be counted.

  5. I'm 100% in her camp. The entire purpose of dumb rules like the ones being perpetrated here is to make everyone but the cronies in government ineligible to hand out the goodies that buy the votes.

  6. *Cough*

    If anyone knows how to play the "long game", it's the Roman Catholic Church. Been in biz for 2000 years, still ticking. You can bet that Cdl. Dolan has several moves mapped out on the chessboard.

    Although....the idea of stealing MLK's methodology is very appealing to us who are somewhat gimlet-eyed over the USCC's previous unfailingly Statist-loving tendencies.

