
He has spent eight years churning out hundreds of thousands of copies of “The Hangover,” “Gran Torino” and other first-run movies from his small Long Island apartment to ship overseas.  “Big Hy” — his handle among many loyal customers — would almost certainly be cast as Hollywood Enemy No. 1 but for a few details. He is actually Hyman Strachman, a 92-year-old, 5-foot-5 World War II veteran trying to stay busy after the death of his wife. And he has sent every one of his copied DVDs, almost 4,000 boxes of them to date, free to American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.... 
“It’s not the right thing to do, but I did it,” Mr. Strachman said, acknowledging that his actions violated copyright law
“If I were younger,” he added, “maybe I’d be spending time in the hoosegow.”
Well, you know, even if you were younger they'd have to get it past a jury.


  1. "maybe I’d be spending time in the hoosegow."

    In which case, I'd be bundling his bail money.

  2. William6:23 AM

    I'd donate.

    William sends.
