New things are fun only if you're a predator

From Nicole Cliff at The Hairpin, via Never Yet Melted via Maggie's Farm:
If you haven't spent a lot of time around horses, you may have the idea that they are like dogs and cats (really big, dangerous dogs and cats). This is untrue. YOU are like dogs and cats, in that you are a predator. . . .  [I]f someone says to you "hey, let's try this new brunch place that has amazing cocktails," there's a decent chance you'll say "great, meet you there." Your dog feels similarly. New things are fun! That is because you are a predator. . . . If you try to take your horse to a new brunch place, you need to convince them that a) you've been there before, b) there are no cave trolls at the brunch place, c) there will be other horses at the brunch place, and d) you will be a royal pain in their ass until they quit dicking around and agree to go to the brunch place.
Husbands can be similar.


  1. Hey, I represent that!

  2. Nah--I just have other things to do with my time and resources than go poking for new eateries, just because.

    Now let me back to my Sunday football game, like I've been watching since Alan Ameche was playing.

    Eric Hines

  3. "I just have other things to do with my time and resources than go poking for new eateries, just because."

    What it is... I'm pretty open to new adventures, for a geezer in a exoskeleton, other than taking random excursions into the realm of unique foods.

    WRT adventures in dining, I'll readily admit that I like what I like and I'm not bashful about saying what I don't care to eat, or try. Nope, no more gastrointestinal Russian Roulette simply for the sake of adventure. Been there done that, world wide. Lunge lines nor cattle prods will change my mind.

    Speaking of BTDT, could it be that more than a few men have sown some less that domesticated oats in their youth making these supposed adventures little more than variations on a theme?

    Things that make a person rub their chin and say hmmmmm.

  4. ...could it be that more than a few men have sown some less that domesticated oats in their youth making these supposed adventures little more than variations on a theme?

    It'd be interesting to see a break out by military experience. I've certainly had my share of adventurous eats, from alien eateries to the mystery meals (I use that term loosely) contained in C-rats and MREs.

    I recall one assignment in Germany where our C-rats (MCIs? I don't remember at this remove) had gotten so old that the tomato paste in some of the "foods" had eaten through the can containers. The boss' solution to that wastage was one meal a week in the site's COM made from the C-rats/MCIs to ensure a proper turn-over.

    Eric Hines

  5. Admit it. It's not about the food. It's the cave trolls.

  6. No, the problem is that I eat cave trolls for breakfast. Brunch is for sissies.

    Actually, I usually like to go to new restaurants. After China, though, I'm not sure there really is anything "new" left for me to eat. Well, except....

  7. If not brunch, how about elevenses?

  8. We just had a long road trip where we listened to The Hobbit in an unabridged audiobook format. You can see that Tolkien was a man who really appreciated good, simple, honest food.

  9. Wait, so wives are predators?

    Ah, now some things begin to make sense ...

  10. By the way, I enjoyed the piece about horses. It's always fun to read about people coming to realize that they're strapping themselves to a prey animal -- and just what that means.

  11. "It's always fun to read about people coming to realize that they're strapping themselves to a prey animal -- and just what that means."

    It's all about trust. Even a creature of the prey contingent will grow to trust and obey the aptly skilled predator.

  12. After a long day at the hunts lions seem to prefer a long nap in the sun to scouting out a new watering hole, no matter how good the cocktails are.
