

This article claims that Georgia voters are waiting up to eight hours to participate in early voting.

I've voted in Georgia most of my life -- and early-voted myself a couple of weeks ago. Even before the advent of early voting, I've never waited so much as five minutes to vote. This year, my wife and I went and there were plenty of machines available for us to walk in and out. There was no waiting at all.

Now, the story suggests that there were some problems with the electronic voting system -- but why not just come back tomorrow, then? People lining up at 4 AM to vote? Democrats warning that 'there may not be time' for all the voters who want to vote to be able to do so?

Didn't we used to do this on just one day, and not that long ago? What could possibly explain this nonsense, given that you now have a month and a half instead of 12-18 hours?

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