NRA Day:

The National Rifle Association has a great ad out.

Meanwhile, US News and World Reports has an interview with Governor Palin and her husband that reminds me (again) of what I like about the lady.

From my interview with Palin and hubby Todd yesterday, they explained how they size people up on outdoor expeditions in Alaska: "It's like Plato said, 'You learn more about someone in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.' We've had people that Todd has ended up hiring [for his commercial fishing business] based on how they did out on a hunt or a snow machine ride with us to see if they are going to complain. Are they going to buck up and realize that you have to make the best of the circumstances you're in? It's a good kind of testing ground for people," says Palin.
That's absolutely the truth. It also turns out that she's a Life NRA member, and hunts with a .243 when she's out for caribou.

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