Kerry explnd

Massachusetts: The Female State

I'm guessing this explains the flip-flopping of Senator Kerry. He's just a feature of the culture. Consider today's session of the MA legislature:

Lawmakers in Massachusetts, the only state where gay marriage is legal, voted Tuesday to allow a proposed constitutional amendment to move forward that would effectively ban the practice.

Within two hours, they voted to reconsider, but then voted again to uphold their initial decision.

Sixty-one lawmakers voted in favor of advancing the measure, which would appear on the ballot in 2008 and declare marriage to be only between a man and a woman. The proposal still needs approval of the next legislative session.
So, let's get this straight. If you want to amend the constitution in Massachusetts, first you vote for a ballot initiative. Then, you can immediately vote to reconsider -- not, notice, revote -- that is, reconsider right now. Rather, you are actually voting to reconsider the issue later. So then, later, you actually do reconsider, vote a third time, and change your mind back to the original decision. However, it only counts if you still think so next year! Plus you can always reconsider. Or even revote.


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