
Cutting back on Coffee:

It's not a new year's resolution, but I have been getting less coffee lately. That's because of my piece of crap "Mr. Coffee" coffemaker. The hot water running through it repeatedly for a year or so has deformed the plastics, so that about half the coffee runs out onto the countertop. I put it in a pan to cut down on the mess, but so far I haven't replaced it because I don't know what else to buy.

I have a metal coffee pot I use on the trail and at campsite -- all it needs is fire (or a stovetop). And I have one of those 'press' style coffemakers, which is more or less the same thing except you don't boil the water in it, you add almost-boiling water heated elsewhere. Both produce excellent coffee if you know how to use them correctly, but both sorts of coffee are unfiltered -- that is, you don't drain the coffee through a paper filter. This means all the oils are still in the coffee, which makes it extra delicious but also raises your cholesterol sharply.

So, at least, my doctor informed me after my last cholesterol test a year or so back. That's why I bought the sorry-piece-of-crap coffee maker.

So, I'd like suggestions. I have the following needs:

1) At least 8 cups of coffee to be brewed.

2) Paper filter.

3) Stainless steel pot. This one is b/c of the wife's temper -- she's destroyed several of the hardened glass ones over the years.

I'd also like something I won't have to replace right away. You know, if possible.

Eh, I'll probably just go back to boiling the coffee. It's cheaper, the coffee's better, and all it costs is a few years off the end of my life when I'll be sick and old anyway. :)

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