
Scorpions & Independence Day:

I recall that, just prior to the invasion of Afghanistan, there was an interview with a Talib who impressed the Western journalist by conducting the interview while smoking scorpions. This was meant to be terrifying -- after all, how tough would you have to be to smoke a scorpion?

A few years later, we have our answer:

A discerning guest at a Manhattan cocktail party removed a scorpion from its bed of cheese atop an endive leaf and popped it in his mouth, determined to savor the taste unadulterated.

"Nutty, sweet," was the verdict of Gourmet magazine food editor Ian Knauer at the recent soiree.
See? Even the sort of American who attends "soirees" can munch a scorpion, then give you a critique of its flavor to boot.

Plus, a lot of Americans are descended from Scots, where there was that... well, read it for yourself.

Happy Independence Day. Remember the example of Little Bill, and don't take guff from anyone today.

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