Hedging your bets department:

Sentator Joseph Lieberman, (Democrat from Connecticut) has announced that he's going to gather signatures for a petition to run as a write in candidate for Senate 'just in case' he loses the Democratic primary.

Plenty of people are not happy with him.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at the Senator's decision, really. I mean, he simultaneously ran for Senator and Vice President in 2000.

But what is interesting here is how Lieberman, who has been vilified by the anti-war wing of the Democratic party, is setting fire to his bridges behind him.

I can't imagine that the DNC is happy with this.

So, either the Senator wins his primary, in which case its 'business as normal' sorta/kinda/maybe, or he loses the primary, which sets up a three way contest in which the Senator, by splitting the Democratic vote (assuming that he really does split the vote), may actually give the contest to the Republican candidate.

I'm sure that the RNC is hoping for the latter, but of course, we'll have to wait and see.

I think Bush Derangement Syndrome has just given rise to Lieberman Derangement Syndrome.

(via Memorandum)

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