Sexy Poll

A Poll on Sexy:

We don't do sex on Grim's Hall much, but since I made an exception for the last item, I suppose we might as well get it out of our systems today. Cassidy links to this poll at the New York Post on the topic.

Some points:

"Only thirty percent of men prefer makeup on their mates; 50 percent would rather they ditch the lipstick and go unadorned."

Grim's comment: And rightly so.

"What is sexier on a woman.. great looks or a great personality?"

The results: "67 percent of men who own a gun place a premium on personality, compared to 61 percent of gun-free men."

Grim's comment: With a possible exception for certain foreign countries, there is no such thing as a gun-free man. Reference the question comparing lumberjacks to "metrosexuals" for a restatement of this concept.

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