Heart of Darkness notes:

The guys over at OPFOR noticed this bit of news the other day: President Robert Mugabe is inviting those white farmers he ran off to ummm....come and farm the land they were run of of.

I'll bet that works out.

They also note that Algeria is buying billions of dollars worth of combat aircraft from Russia and wonders why.

I'll take a stab at an answer: Russia. Needs. Cash.

And while we're on the subject of supplying arms;

Trudy Rubin, a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer, has written a column about the ongoing mess in the Darfur.

She asks: "Can an individual do anything to stop a genocide?"

I think so.

1. Get a gun.
2. Go to the Darfur.
3. Shoot janjaweed militiamen dead when they show up to rape, pillage and burn.

Three simple steps.

but nooo....Trudy says: "What's needed now is grassroots pressure on the White House. One million postcards, and one million people in the capitol April 30 might motivate the Bush team to lean harder on the AU, Sudan, China and Russia to approve a U.N. force."

Right. A UN force. Given the recent UN shenanigans in the Congo, I'm thinking that a UN force is going to be less than effective.

I say send them guns. Help them to help themselves.

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