The Breaking of a Mighty Oak

We got that big oak I mentioned a few posts below cut into sections and off my neighbor’s fence today. It needed a tractor and a square-body Chevrolet to roll it enough to finish the cuts, one chain, four men, and two Husqvarna chainsaws. But then it didn’t take very long. 


  1. 2ft-8ft lengths, and you can mill them into planks with which you can make some furniture.

    Or an outdoor shelter for Conan or such other cute, furry woodland creatures as might beat him to it.

    Eric Hines

    1. Conan spends his winter evenings inside near the fire. I think this oak will become firewood, though. The owner of the fence said he had bought a 28 ton wood splitter.

  2. WInd storm coming in today around here- in areas that don't usually get super windy. Gonna be a lot of natural tree trimming here tonight. hopefully not too much around me. Last time this happened we caught a limb right down the middle of the roof of our parked car. Creates a lot of work, hard for me to imagine the amount of work you all have to deal with after the hurricane.
