Bounty Hunting

You've got to set priorities in this kind of work. Is it really worth it?

It's not. I did it for a while in Savannah going on thirty years ago, and it was not at all worth it.

I do have a friend who is a bounty hunter currently though. She's the wife of the guy I go to for motorcycle repairs when it's more than I can handle. Locally the bounty hunting is run through the school board(!). It's a little complicated, but somehow bail bonds turned out to be a worthwhile investment for them. 


  1. In my undergraduate years I had a professor who brought in a couple of bounty hunters to talk to our class for an hour. It was enlightening. Later, she brought in a PI to talk to us about his work. After that, I never really thought about entering those career fields, but if those were the only two available to me and I had to choose, I would go the PI route.

    1. So that’s how I got into it. When I was an undergraduate, my jujitsu instructor was also a private investigator. He hired me to do a lot of the legwork for his PI gigs. It was fun and exciting for a young man like I was at the time.

      After he left the PI firm, his replacement was a guy who did bounty hunting. So that provided the introduction to me to that sort of work.

      You’re quite right. PI work is kind of fun. Bounty hunting is not.

    2. Yeah, bounty hunting struck me as a good way to get ambushed in a bad neighborhood. Still, also a good way to develop a crafty mind and good situational awareness, and a good education in certain areas of psychology as well.

      Now that I think about it, that professor knew entirely too many people who were comfortable living in the gray areas of the law. She was always cheerful and happy, though. Probably knew where her enemies were buried ...
