The lightbulb comes back on

A crazy thought from disappointed Democrats: maybe the Constitution has some answers for how to rein in government when we find ourselves in a minority. It turns out there's federalism, separation of powers, and all kinds of stuff we might want to look into.


  1. Turns out that filibuster they were talking about getting rid of is really an important feature of democracy too!

  2. The Constitution has good stuff in it? Who knew!?

    I've seen some taunting on X from Republicans saying what a great idea getting rid of the filibuster and adding 6 USSC seats is. Joking, I think.

  3. They are capable of adopting the Constitution as a sacred text for four years and then tossing it in the dustbin after.

  4. They still won't believe it's of any use long term- just another short term political power cudgel to wield while they're in the wilderness. Immediately to be tossed aside the moment they're back in power. Power is their only true god.
