
But Mark was come of the glittering towns 
Where hot white details show, 
Where men can number and expound, 
And his faith grew in a hard ground 
Of doubt and reason and falsehood found, 
Where no faith else could grow. 

Belief that grew of all beliefs 
One moment back was blown 
And belief that stood on unbelief 
Stood up iron and alone.

It would be reckless indeed to vote for someone who has repudiated all their claimed beliefs. Perhaps they were lying then; perhaps they are lying now. Perhaps they have no core principles from which to reason, and will simply say or do whatever seems to help them in the moment. Either way, how could you know what you were voting for? 

This is a very strange election; indeed it is not an election yet on the Democratic side, because all the votes were also repudiated in favor of a new candidate appointed by acclamation. Given her walk-back of all of her existing positions, we are in a situation in which no one has voted in favor of a candidate who has no positions. She gives no interviews; she takes no questions.

I don't know what we're doing here, but it isn't American democracy. This is something different, something I have not seen in this country before now. 


  1. Making the candidate selections in smoke-filled rooms had positives and negatives compared to the primary approach. I gather we're seeing that old model again, though probably with cannabis instead of cigars.

    I don't know which is the more horrifying possibility:
    that the decision makers are stoned/incompetent,
    that they believe their own press releases and truly expect heaven on earth if they just get the right diversity and get everyone to say the right words, or
    that they are so confident in their control that they pick in-your-face candidates to display their disdain.

  2. Gringo11:49 PM

    I am reminded of Nancy Pelosi's statement on Obamacare: "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

    Whatever Kamala Harris said before is null and void if it decreases her chances of being elected. She is a blank slate at present. We have to vote for Kamala Harris to find out what her positions are.

  3. Her pick of Walz is telling; she's signaling extreme Left.

    Early on, there was speculation that the (D) poohbahs had given up on the Presidential with their pick of Harris; that so they could concentrate their money and fire on Congress (both houses.)

    That may well be the actuality.

  4. I remember my own outrage four years ago when Harris first accused Biden of sexism and racism, then set those qualms aside to run as his Vice President. Her explanation: "It was a DEBATE. It was literally a DEBATE." She wouldn't know a conviction if it bit her, she's just making convenient noises.

  5. ymarsakar8:19 PM

    This is, of course, what I promised you, Grim. My apocalypse and revelation. The end of the American evil qabal. For you to get back the America that died in 1871.... the current America has to be humbled and taught a lesson. Broken apart, much like USSR was.

    This is Divine Destiny and Divine Fate. Even Tucker noticed that about Donald surviving. Banana republic indeed.
