Dune Style

Readers of the famous novel Dune -- I think everyone here, based on a recent discussion of a movie made from it -- will remember the assassination attempt carried out by a Harkonnen operative who was walled up inside the building well before the Atreides moved in. 

Apparently Israel used a similar technique with a bomb long-hidden in a room their target was known to use, detonated at least months later after they confirmed he was inside. There's no clarity in the reporting where or how the bomb was hidden.

I do admire that the Israelis straightforwardly use the word "assassination" for what our government would insist on calling "targeted killings." It's the same thing; the euphemism doesn't change the moral standing of it. If you've decided that ethics permits killing selected leaders instead of much larger numbers of lower-level soldiers, surely the ethics of speaking the truth rather than lying shouldn't trouble you. You might as well be honest about what you're doing. 


  1. I have a much lower bar for integrity when it comes to nations, I think. I should probably be less resigned.

  2. I'd call Israel's targeted killings "executions" rather than "assassinations". Merriam-Webster online calls assassinations murder[s] by sudden or secret attack often for political reasons. The same dictionary calls "executions" putting to death especially as a legal penalty.

    That dichotomy works for me.

    Eric Hines

  3. Gringo9:52 AM

    Execution- I like that. Perhaps an extrajudicial execution.
