Almonds are much Bigger than you Expect

These things are the size of peaches, to which they are closely related. My wife and son planted some raw almonds and now we have a tree. 

The apples are doing well this year too. Not just ours; the other night at the concert I picked an apple off a nearby feral tree for my wife. She said it was delicious. 


  1. Gringo2:18 PM

    What does the pulp taste like? Not as good as peaches, I'd guess.

    Some relatives, who fled Oklahoma for California during the Depression, invested some of their entrepreneurial profits in an almond "farm." Or whatever you call it.

    1. Quite bitter. Usually the hulls (technically what they are called instead of “pulp,” which in almonds is what you get after pulping the kernel to make almond milk) are fed to cattle.

  2. We do not ourselves make almond milk, I rush to add. That’s just the terminology of the almond world.

  3. Is there only one "nut" in each hull? Those look a lot bigger than Walnut hulls.

  4. Same is true of cashews, which are quite caustic when they're raw. You have to roast them before eating.
