What'd'ja Expect?

DB: "President who dropped Afghans from sky asks why you thought Gaza pier would go any better."


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    And he left behind a billion dollars worth of military arms & equipment for the Taliban to use.

    Added to...wear your mask & take the gene altering jab or be fired from your job, the weaponization of the state & tech company's against all political opponents and a wide ass open national border...its like he is purposefully trying to be the worst president ever.

    1. It was more like 81 Billion worth of arms and equipment, including top of the line helicopters.

  2. The dementia gets everyone's attention, but when I hear the WH push back with "Oh, don't worry, he's got a good staff handling things when he's mentally absent," what I think is: The problem isn't the individual, it's the political program. Handing off the same program to staff isn't helping.

  3. Sal from What's Going on with Shipping (who helped manage the JLOTS program at one time) pointed out that most of the assets used in this mission could have done a more effective job if deployed in a slightly different configuration.
