That's A Bold Move, Cotton

Gretchen Whitmer made a strange claim today: that Kamala Harris "has more experience than the whole GOP ticket put together." 

At first I couldn't understand what she thought she was talking about, since half of that ticket actually has four years of experience being President. That's like saying that the guy who spent four years being Battalion Commander, Deputy Commander at Brigade, and then Brigade Commander has less experience than the guys who've never been a commander at all. 

But she's making a much wilder claim than that.
“Kamala Harris in and of herself has more experience than the whole GOP ticket put together. They only have six years of public service experience, and I often point out to people, you wouldn’t go into brain surgery and ask for the freshest neurosurgeon out of medical school,” Whitmer said[.]

"Ladies and gentlemen, unlike our opponents, our candidate is a career politician." 

Here I thought the prosecutor thing was a dangerous ploy. Or Maybe Whitmer's trying to sabotage Kamala to keep her from being in the way in four years?


  1. I don't know what the public will think. But the politicians and journalists really see it this way. They are public servants who have proven that they care, and they don't run any silly things like businesses or brigades, or hospitals, but actual government work. What more could we ask for? It's perfect match?

  2. I think I had a previous comment disappear. the error may be mine, however.

  3. Not your error. Google moved it to the Spam folder. That's been happening lately.

  4. Gringo3:49 PM

    Gretchen Whitmer made a strange claim today: that Kamala Harris "has more experience than the whole GOP ticket put together."

    Willie Brown can testify that Kamala Harris is experienced, very experienced.
