Signs from the Road

I recall that AVI visited Craggy Gardens on a recent trip. Maybe he’ll link his post in the comments. 

The “Federal Facility” they are threatening me with five years in prison for entering without removal of my belt knife is a gift shop.

Apparently they think motorcycle pipes are like Jake brakes.

There is exactly one book in the Philosophy section, and it’s on psychology.

On the other hand, this is the best selection of “Witchy stickers” that I’ve ever seen. In fact, it’s the only one I’ve ever seen.

Now you’re talking.


  1. Yes, we were there for a wedding at Swannanoa and a tree fell on our car while we were on the Parkway. Quite exciting, really.

  2. Probably most people think that “a tree fell on my car” is a low-probability event. It’s happening to my vehicles once a year on average. These mountains have a character of their own.

  3. Probably most people think that “a tree fell on my car” is a low-probability event.

    It may be a low probability event, but it was a realized event in the flat lands of Charles City, IA, when I was a boy--a tornado drop a tree on the trunk of Dad's Studebaker while we all were in it.

    Eric Hines
