More on the Recent Riot

All that flag burning, police-assaulting, and so forth turns out to have an explanation. Only 29 officers were detailed when it was known that thousands of protestors were coming, and when it's well-known how they behave. Much as the Capitol Police were very understaffed on J6, on a day when it was likewise well-known that there would be a mass demonstration about an event happening right then inside the Capitol, force posture was arranged to be unusually weak. 

Those 29 officers did manage to make 10 arrests while being attacked. 
And what happened to those 10 protesters who the police successfully arrested after assaulting police? 

They're out already--released the SAME DAY. At least some of them. I am not clear whether they all were released, but this is Washington D.C., where the only crime is being a Republican. Some January 6th protesters were held in solitary confinement for over a year before they were even tried. 

It seems likely that policing in DC, like prosecuting in NYC and elsewhere, has become a political tool. It was desirable that there be riots on these days, to make Netanyahu look unwelcome within the United States (though he is more popular than many of our own politicians) or to make Republicans look like they were dangerous insurrectionists (though surprisingly few of the 'insurrectionists' brought guns to their 'insurrection'). 

Coincidentally, police force posture was set to be provocatively weak in the face of those two protests. 

On the prosecutorial side, punishment was harsh for the one side and evaporated against the other, to transmit whose rioting is welcomed in the service of the state. The one set of decisions seems likely to have been intentional; the other set inarguably was.


  1. I'm sure if our MSM cared they would be asking perfectly healthy Joe BIden, or Kamala the Crime Fighter, about the issue. Those were federal police. Even if the NPS only has 800 or so officers nationwide.

  2. Only 29 officers were detailed when it was known that thousands of protestors were coming, and when it's well-known how they behave.


    That kinda calls to mind the under-staffing at a recent outdoor campaign event which featured THE most threatened personality in the USA.

