Incoherent Thoughts

Instapundit gives the topline, where this person declares that she wishes the Trump assassin had been more accurate, but then immediately talks about how worried she is about political violence. 

But that's not the good part! The good part is that this person actually brought a crossbow to the protest in order to engage in violence if necessary. It's ok, though, because unlike evil firearms crossbows are "a much safer alternative" that are "only used for personal defense as an absolutely last resort." 

Somebody tell Pope Urban II. He appears to have been under a different impression. St. Sebastian likewise. 

The protestor goes on to claim that her hammer-and-sickle tattoo is a product of her having been born in the Soviet Union. So you know, it's not because of a commitment to worldwide socialist revolution -- i.e. political violence. No, that stuff is very scary. 


  1. raven6:51 PM

    Hmmm. Logic grew wings and flew out the window with that one.

    Some time ago I read portions of a treatise on the treatment of sword, knife and arrow wounds, written contemporary with the common use of these weapons in warfare. IIRC, about 1700.
    The descriptions of the wounds was horrific.
    Anyone claiming edged weapons are somehow morally superior to firearms with regard to the wounding effects are idiots.

  2. Gringo10:48 PM

    Afraid of violence but wished that the shot to Trump didn't miss. Like Instapundit said, lefties like violence but are scared that there will be a violent response to their violence.

    The lefties were kept under control at the RNC. Moreover, tweets like this one did not increase their support.

    We shall see if the lefties are kept under control at the DNC in Chicago. My prediction is for a repeat of Chicago 1968. AS CSNY told us: "Won't you please come to Chicago, no one else can take your place. We can change the world, rearrange the world..."

  3. There was recently a triple-murder in the UK in which the killer used a crossbow.

    Naturally, this prompted calls for common-sense crossbow control over there.
