Hillbilly for (V) President

I have not read Vance's book nor followed his career, so I don't have a highly informed opinion on his selection as Trump's VP nominee. In the spirit of all the recent talk about 'representation' and 'feeling seen,' it is kind of nice to see someone who will self-appellate as an Appalachian on a major ticket. 

That doesn't make him a good choice, of course. Probably many of you have better information about that.

Were I advising Donald Trump, I would have suggested to him that he make a self-defensive nomination of somebody so crazy that any future assassins would think twice about taking a shot at Trump himself. All public information makes this shooter look like a loner, but Dad29's original remarks that led us to talk about assassination before the attempt happened was about Deep State concerns on Trump prompting them to take a shot at him. "Did the CIA kill JFK?" was a question a lot of people asked for many years. Similar people might wonder about a young man with no obvious connections, possessed of the perfect demographics to offend no protected group, getting to an unprotected rooftop with a short clear shot that he was allowed to take before being immediately killed so he couldn't talk.

I'm not saying that it was a conspiracy. That would be paranoid. I'm just saying that a Presidential candidate might pick a VP whose personality made a strong argument against anyone taking another shot. He might also want to hire some private professionals to bolster his government-provided security, which would be prudent rather than paranoid given how badly the USSS performed in this case.


  1. He is extremely articulate, a very good advocate.

  2. Not a conspiracy...........

    Another half-dozen very good questions have come up in the last 24 hours.


    SS director will not resign.

  3. A woman at X said that Trump's reaction in the aftermath of the shooting made her decide to vote for him; a respondent mocked the idea that this was a good reason. I linked & excerpted for discussion, along w some thoughts from Claire Lehmann of Quillette. There are some deep psychosocial & psychosexual issues here.

    Of Leadership and Courage

    1. At least the one expression is healthy. It might not be the ideal way to do political philosophy, but in any democratic form probably the majority of voters will not be philosophers. Healthy feelings are the best we can hope for from the majority who are going to vote their feelings one way or the other.
