
Trying to post an image, but getting weird obstruction from Google, which shows that I'm signed in but keeps asking me to sign in. Scroll down through this to see the "Fight" content.
Trump yelling 'Fight, fight," after getting grazed by a bullet in the ear, an inch from ending his life.
No panic. No crawling on his knees to safety. The man stands up, faces the crowd, and yells 'fight.'
I suppose they'll find a way to construe that as a criminal incitement to riot again.


  1. It's a pretty shameful performance by the press, by Biden and Harris, and by DHS.

    Eric Hines

  2. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Resident Brandon's statement was very telling...

    ...I hope I can get some sleep tonight.

    Because its all about Joe. Not the two people shot dead or the wounded laying in hospitals and ALL their families or even his political opponent.

    This entire episode revolves around...Brandon's desire of sleep.

  3. Anonymous2:05 PM

    That’s just a piercing of the ear

    Wait till you see his new tatt!!

    Fight fight
    Fight fight Fight fight Fight fight !

  4. Firehand3:37 PM

    Google was doing that to me this morning

  5. raven9:41 PM

    And when he stood up, and the security detail was trying to hustle him off, he said "wait a minute", and then addressed the crowd. He was clearly visible, and had no way of knowing the threat was resolved. Like him or not, the man is not a coward, and he was not going to let an ignominious retreat be the last thing his supporters remembered.

    I don't know how this would go over with the military folks, but I am thinking a tee shirt with Trumps image, fist raised, flag in the background, and a CIB and Purple Heart underneath would be appropriate.
