RIP Kinky

Kinky Friedman is dead at 79 years old. He was responsible for a number of questionable songs, and was a friend to many of the greats of the era. The world is lessened by every such loss; eternity, perhaps, prospers. 


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I always appreciated the breath of (in?)sanity he added to Texas elections and politics. His off-kilter view of the world will be missed. (And so will the old bumper stickers about "I want a Kinky governor.")


  2. I used to listen to him on Don Imus's show and thought him quite intelligent and genuinely creative. I can see why he wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, though.

  3. Gringo10:40 PM

    He won my vote for Governor. His parents ran a summer camp in the hill country. I knew someone who, attending that camp one summer, had Kinky Friedman as his cabin counselor.

    My sister, in town for a short visit, and I went to a local bookstore where Kinky was talking about his latest book.

  4. Not for nothing I didn’t link any of his songs! The latter is a parody of a Merle Haggard classic; but Merle, striving to overcome his convict history, might have been trying too hard too.
