We All Need Some Silliness in Our Lives

 Kid's better than me.

Another crooked cop, busted.

Cows are a good audience, but they don't tip well.


  1. You can tip cows just fine, I hear... I'll see myself out.

  2. That kid's golf swing. I keep telling people how much of athletic ability is genetic. My mother married us into an extremely athletic stepfamily, with multiple D2 and D3 All-Americans. Tough for my brother and me, frankly. I don't deny that once you are at a certain level, in sports or music or art, it takes training and practice to move to the next level. But that's not the same thing.

    The video commentary is supposed to be funny because it is an exaggeration.

    It's not much of an exaggeration. It's true.

    Even if he doesn't become a golfer, or devote himself to any sport, actually, that kid is going to have good hand-eye and whole-body coordination for the rest of his life. His environment may add to that, but it's not the cause.

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Yes, you can tip cows. However, a Charolais bull does not tip. Nor does he appreciate being tipped, since he IS both old school and French.

    Bribes, however, might work. My associate did not linger to inquire.


  4. Gringo2:17 PM

    Cows are a good audience, but they don't tip well.

    Took a while for me to get the pun. One of the better puns I've heard recently.

  5. I was attempting subtlety.

    douglas and LR1, yes, you can tip cows and you can tip a canoe, but it's pretty awkward in both cases. Hence, they don't tip well.

    (Cue Tyler jokes ...)
