The Survivor


  1. Full, or nearly full, recovery.

    That's pretty Sierra Hotel.

    Eric Hines

    1. He’s young, strong, and full of all the antivenom I could afford. As nmewn promised, that stuff works.

  2. Prayers answered! I'm so happy about this.

  3. Excellent!

  4. Gringo2:40 PM

    Can't keep a good dog down.

  5. Looks like a happy boy again! Wonderful.

  6. I do hope he does better at learning lessons than a cat my brother had several years ago did.

    My brother lived in a wooded part of Minneapolis-St Paul at the time, and his orange tabby tangled with a skunk once. Then a second time. Then a third.

    There was a reason my brother named him Stupid. On the other hand, maybe it's an orange tabby thing. I had one just a few years ago who liked my rock 'n roll music and who wasn't bothered by our vacuum cleaner except when he was on the floor when it started operating. Then he'd just hop up onto the furniture. Problem solved.

    Hopefully, if the pup chooses to approach a rattle snake, or any other snake, he'll do it with more consideration and caution.

    Eric Hines
