One of the things I’m doing out here is visiting with the UFC.

View from the VIP gallery.

Because this is Vegas, all the steel I-beams are actually wood. 

The blood stains are real. 

Pretty impressive operation. They have a great gym at the Apex, but it’s the spare: the real training center is across the street, and has doctors and nutritionists and all kinds of support elements. 


  1. Surprisingly, bsking is a very big fan, though bigger of WWE.

    1. Well it turns out the same people own both! I used to enjoy that when it was WWF, back in the Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage years.

  2. The architect in me loves that you checked, although that "connection" is a joke- perhaps a clever admission to the knowing. Makes me chuckle.

  3. I was deeply amused by it. The octagon you see in the photo is also fake, by the way: it was set up for a Bud Light commercial they were filming that day, and differs in a few ways from the real one in order to improve things for the camera angles they wanted. Apparently trying to resuscitate Bud Light is a project UFC has taken on (as Harley Davidson did, briefly and ineffectively; and Trump, also ineffectively). I'm guessing Bud Light is paying well for help in getting its old audience to give it a second chance. Maybe next time dance with those that brung you, Bud.
