Men, Our Secret is Out

My wife sent me this. 

Also today she had me kill the last rooster because she thought he was harassing the hens for sex too much. I rechristened him “Feminism” before I gave him the axe, as he was an instance of a male literally being killed to make life easier on females. She didn’t appreciate the humor, nor the irony of my declaring “Feminism is dead!” after I finished her appointed task. 

Feminism is currently being made into stew. Feminism is stewing, you might say. 

UPDATE: The shambles of Feminism made an excellent New Mexican Green Chile Chicken stew for lunch. I therefore can sincerely say, "Thank you, Feminism."


  1. Any number of punchlines suggest themselves to me.

    The naming of the rooster was a nice touch.

  2. Busted. It sounds like you served Feminism well.

  3. Had a few heavy days.

    This blog had so many twists that everything is again ok!

  4. Glad to be of service. Good you’re feeling better.
