Stack Up Or…

FPC has a proposition. 

We usually avoid that sort of language around here, out of courtesy and a desire to accommodate people of gentle temper. Still and all, the demand is hereby rejected. 


  1. FPC gives no quarter.

  2. I am recalling the lines of Jacques Roux, the radical priest after the French Revolution, in the play "Marat/Sade*" "We demand the opening of the granaries to feed the poor! We demand the opening of the churches to proclaim the rights of man, so that at last something useful may be taught in them!"

    Of course, he was an inmate at the Asylum of Charenton and in a strait jacket at the time, which took away the persuasive force of his argument a bit. I played the part of Roux in college and got to keep the costume afterward.

    *The actual title is 23 words long, so you can see why they cut it down for easy reference.

  3. The state demonstrated convincingly why dis-arming is a poor idea, over the centuries and continents the theme is the same.
    And now?
    The whole edifice of western civilization is crumbling- tools of defense against the barbarians will be of great use.
